Friday, March 11, 2011

GoodBye Winter Blah Blahs Hello 100% Organic Tan

I know the following is going to sound like an infomerical but I am SEROUSLY excited about this stuff and wanted to share it with my mountain girls.
I was looking in the mirror a few weeks ago and was sick of seeing my winter white skin.
Lying in the sun just seemed SO far away but I knew I just wanted to look like I DID just lay in the sun...without doing it.
I have VERY thin translucent skin...let's just say the nurses have NO problem finding a vein since you can see them all!
I actually do not mind that aspect of my complexion but I loved how in the summer my skin would get a great tan and cover that up and I missed it...since I am starting my whole spring/summer Mountain Girl collection!
I made it a little mission to find a great 100% organic chemical free product that I could use on my face and body.
I found it. and I love it.
They use a DHA complex derived from sugar beets with antioxidants, minerals and even SPF.
So it's not just a lotion you put actually nourishes your skin and protects it from the sun at the same time....I know it is a bit pricey but it's a great treat to give yourself and your skin.
and YES I am wearing the lotion in all the pictures for today!
Okay, Enough talk about are the new be posted in the shop this afternoon
Happy Friday!!!! 


  1. love your blog, love your shop. they both leave me with a smile. :)

  2. I LOVE this Mama Style feature! Such inspiring style! it instantly adds interest and can take even the most basic elements (say a pair of dark denim skinny jeans and a fitted white tee) and make them standout when paired with a pretty cardigan in mustard yellow or playful, bright red flats. i love collecting brightly colored day dresses, skirts in crayola inspired hues and cardigans in every color of the rainbow. especially when i'm pregnant (and with so many maternity specific clothing lines stuck in a neutral palette) i like adding a little "POW!" to my wardrobe with sunny additions of color.
    breastfeeding clothes



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